
  • 地址: 中国北京航空航天大学 沙河校区 数学科学学院 E403-7办公室, 邮编100191
  • 官方邮箱: chenqi.mou[at]buaa.edu.cn
  • 个人邮箱: chenqi.mou[at]gmail.com
  • 北航主页: 链接

我目前任中国北京航空航天大学 数学科学学院副教授、计算机数学交叉研究中心副主任. 我的主要研究领域是符号计算. 具体而言,我主要研究利用三角列和Gröbner基等代数工具来求解多项式系统及其应用.






FPSAC 2025
Hokkaido, Japan

投稿截止: 2024年11月15日

ISSAC 2025
Guanajuato, Mexico

投稿截止: 待定



应用数学 / 计算机科学博士 (双学位)
中国,北京航空航天大学 / 法国,巴黎第六大学

导师: 王东明, 教授 / Jean-Charles Faugère, 主任研究员
博士论文: Solving Polynomial Systems over Finite Fields: Algorithms, Implementation and Applications (链接标签云)








负责人, 中国自然科学基金委面上项目
2025年1月 – 2028年12月


参与, 北京市自然科学基金
2018年12月 – 2022年9月


负责人, 中国自然科学基金委青年基金
2015年1月 – 2017年12月


负责人, 中国自然科学基金委面上项目
2020年1月 – 2023年12月


参与, 中国自然科学基金委面上项目
2018年1月 – 2021年12月


负责人, 中央高校基本科研业务费
2014年3月 – 2014年12月



我在北京航空航天大学开设面向高年级本科生与研究生的“计算机代数”课程, 并制作了该课程的免费公开视频.
长度: 22次课, 每次课约1.5小时; 教材: 《多项式代数》, 我是作者之一; 幻灯片: 第一章, 第二章, 第四章, 第三章, 第六章

我于2023年4-5月在北京师范大学主讲“符号计算及应用”短课程, 请点击链接下载课件和观看课程线上视频.






On the Reduced Gröbner Bases of Blockwise Determinantal Ideals
  • CASC 2023, Havana, Cuba, Aug.-Sep. 2023年8-9月
Polynomial System Solving in a Nutshell
Characteristic Decomposition: Connecting Lexicographic Groebner Bases and Triangular Sets
Sparse Triangular Decomposition Based on Chordal Graphs
Exploiting variable sparsity in computing equilibria of biological dynamical systems by triangular decomposition
Gröbner bases of Schubert determinantal ideals: Yet another connection between combinatorics and symbolic computation
Simple decomposition and simple characteristic decomposition
On the Chordality of Ordinary Differential Triangular Decomposition in Top-down Style
On the Chordality of Simple Decomposition in Top-Down Style
On Berlekamp–Massey and Berlekamp–Massey–Sakata Algorithms
Graph Structures in Polynomial Systems Solving: from the Viewpoint of Variable Orderings
On W-characteristic Sets of Lexicographic Groebner Bases
Epsilon 1: A Software Library for Triangular Decomposition
Triangular sets over F2 VS satisfiability checking: a potential connection and interaction?
Simple Triangular Decomposition over Finite Fields
Sparse FGLM Algorithms for Solving Polynomial Systems
Reconstructing Chemical Reaction Networks by Solving Boolean Polynomial Systems
Fast Algorithm for Change of Ordering of Zero-dimensional Gröbner Bases with Sparse Multiplication Matrices



在其他数据库平台上找到我: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, MathSciNet, DBLP Bibliography
多项式代数 [封面, 目录, 购买链接]

王东明, 牟晨琪, 李晓亮, 杨静, 金萌, 黄艳丽, 高等教育出版社, 北京, 2011年

On the Reduced Gröbner Bases of Blockwise Determinantal Ideals [链接]

Chenqi Mou and Qiuye Song

Puzzle Ideals for Grassmannians [链接]

Chenqi Mou and Weifeng Shang

Simple characteristic decomposition of polynomial sets [链接]

Linpeng Wang and Chenqi Mou, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, to appear

Sparse triangular decomposition for computing equilibria of biological dynamic systems based on chordal graphs [链接]

Chenqi Mou and Wenwen Ju, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2023, 20(3): 1667-1678

Chordal graphs in triangular decomposition in top-down style [链接]

Chenqi Mou, Yang Bai, and Jiahua Lai, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2021, 102: 108–131

多项式组的特征分解 [链接]

王东明, 牟晨琪, 董日娜, 中国科学:数学, 2021, 51(1): 67–86

Decomposition of polynomial sets into characteristic pairs [链接]

Dongming Wang, Rina Dong, and Chenqi Mou, Mathematics of Computation, 2020, 89: 1993-2015

Characteristic decomposition: From regular sets to normal sets [链接]

Chenqi Mou and Dongming Wang, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2019, 32(1): 37-46

Sparse FGLM algorithms [链接]

Jean-Charles Faugère and Chenqi Mou, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2017, 80(3): 538-569

Analysis of codimension 2 bifurcations for high-dimensional discrete systems using symbolic computation methods [链接]

Wei Niu, Jian Shi, and Chenqi Mou, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2016, 273: 934-947

三角列方法在探求有限生物模型的平衡点及其个数问题中的应用 [链接]

牟晨琪, 牛薇, 计算机应用与软件, 2014, 31(1): 278-282

Decomposing polynomial sets into simple sets over finite fields: The positive-dimensional case [链接]

[Chenqi Mou, Dongming Wang, and Xiaoliang Li, Theoretical Computer Science, 2013, 468: 102-113

字典序下BMS算法终止条件的设计 [链接]

牟晨琪, 计算机应用, 2012, 32(11): 2977-2980

Stability analysis for discrete biological models using algebraic methods [链接]

Xiaoliang Li, Chenqi Mou, Wei Niu, and Dongming Wang, Mathematics in Computer Science, 2011, 5: 247-262

Decomposing polynomial sets into simple sets over finite fields: The zero-dimensional case [链接]

Xiaoliang Li, Chenqi Mou, and Dongming Wang, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2010, 60: 2983-2997

DetGB: A software package for computing Gröbner bases of determinantal ideals [链接]

Chenqi Mou, Qiuye Song, and Yutong Zhou, ICMS 2024, Durham University, United Kingdom, 2024

Complexity analysis of triangular decomposition over F2 with strongly chordal graphs [链接]

Zhaoxing Qi and Chenqi Mou, ISSAC 2024, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2024

Analyses and implementations of chordality-preserving top-down algorithms for triangular decomposition [链接]

Mingyu Dong and Chenqi Mou, CASC 2022, Gebze, Turkey, 2022

Algorithms for testing membership in univariate quadratic modules over the reals [链接]

Weifeng Shang, Chenqi Mou, and Deepak Kapur, ISSAC 2022, Lille, France, 2022

Exploiting variable sparsity in computing equilibria of biological dynamical systems by triangular decomposition [链接]

Wenwen Ju and Chenqi Mou AlCoB 2020 & 2021, Missoula, Montana, USA, 2021

Comprehensive characteristic decomposition of parametric polynomial systems [链接]

Rina Dong, Dong Lu, Chenqi Mou and Dongming Wang. ISSAC 2021, Saint Peterburg, Russia, 2021

Game-theoretic analysis on CBDC adoption [链接]

Chenqi Mou, Wei-Tek Tsai, Xiaofang Jiang, and Dong Yang, FICC 2020, Qingdao, China, 2020

On the chordality of ordinary differential triangular decomposition in top-down style [链接]

Chenqi Mou, ISSAC 2020, Kalamata, Greece, Jul. 2020

On the chordality of simple decomposition in top-down style [链接]

Chenqi Mou and Jiahua Lai, MACIS 2019, Gebze-Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 2019

On Berlekamp–Massey and Berlekamp–Massey–Sakata algorithms [链接]

Chenqi Mou and Xiaolin Fan, CASC 2019, Moscow, Russia, Aug. 2019

On characteristic decomposition and quasi-characteristic decomposition [链接]

Rina Dong and Chenqi Mou, CASC 2019, Moscow, Russia, Aug. 2019

Game-theoretic analysis on the number of participants in the software crowdsourcing contest [链接]

Pengcheng Peng, Chenqi Mou, and Wei-Tek Tsai, AISC 2018, Suzhou, China, Sep. 2018

On the chordality of polynomial sets in triangular decomposition in top-down style [链接]

Chenqi Mou and Yang Bai, ISSAC 2018, New York, USA, July, 2018

Symbolic detection of steady states of autonomous differential biological systems by transformation into block triangular form [链接]

Chenqi Mou, AlCoB 2018, Hongkong, China, June. 2018

Decomposing polynomial sets simultaneously into Gröbner bases and normal triangular sets [链接]

Rina Dong and Chenqi Mou, CASC 2017, Beijing, China, Sep. 2017

Reconstructing chemical reaction networks by solving Boolean polynomial systems

Chenqi Mou and Wei Niu, MACIS 2013, Naning, China, Dec. 2013

Fast algorithm for change of ordering of zero-dimensional Gröbner bases with sparse multiplication matrices [链接]

Jean-Charles Faugère and Chenqi Mou, ISSAC 2011, San Jose, USA, Jun. 2011

Stability analysis for discrete biological models using algebraic methods

Xiaoliang Li, Chenqi Mou, Wei Niu, and Dongming Wang, MACIS 2009, Fukuoka, Japan, Dec. 2009

数学的世界 [购买链接]

英国Colin Beveridge著Cracking Mathematics的中译本, 电子工业出版设, 北京, 2019

疯狂STEM之数学 (共2册) [购买链接]

Key Concepts in STEM中译本, 电子工业出版设, 北京, 2022